Saturday, 5 May 2007

How to replace Adsense ID in AdsenseBlogTemplate with your own ID

Part B: How to replace Adsense ID in AdsenseBlogTemplate with your own ID

1. Login to your blogger account.

2. In your dashboard choose blog that you want the template to be changed. Click on layout” tab.

3. Once you in Layout window, click on edit HTML tab.

4. Once you’re in edit HTML window, click browse button to locate where you have saved the AdsenseBlogTemplate that you have downloaded earlier.

5. Click once on the template file and then click open, this will transferred the file directory from your pc to the browse table.

6. Click uploads and waits a while until “Your changes have been saved. View blog” message appears.

7. Now it’s time to change the adsense ID in the AdsenseBlogTemplate that you just downloaded with your own Adsense ID so pay full attention here.

8. First you must click on “Expand widget template” small box to expand the html code.

9. Click anywhere in the html box to make sure your cursor is inside the box.

10. Press “Ctrl” and “F” key simultaneously and release, this will open “find” box in your pc screen. Type “ pub- “ (pub + dash) inside the find box and press enter.

11 It will direct you to the place where you should place your adsense ID code.

12. Replace that 16 digit original adsense code with yours, either you delete it and retype your Adsense ID code or if you remember that in part A, you’ve copied your ID code in your Adsense webpage by pressing “Ctrl” and “C” key, now you can paste it by pressing “Ctrl” and “V” together, it will paste it on that spot. Be careful not to delete any other coding as it might made your adsense ads appears incorrectly or not appear at all.

13. Click “Next” on the find box or press “Enter” to go to the next Adsense Code location and repeat step 12. There will be few places either 2 or 3 that you need to change it depend on type of AdsenseBlogTemplate that you’ve downloaded.

14. Don’t worry if you have made a mistake accidentally deleting some of the code, you can always click at “Clear edit” which it will delete all edit that you’ve made, the only bad news is you have to start again from step 12.

15. Once you’ve done click on “Save template” and you’ve completed the process. Now the Adsense ads shown will be linked to your Adsense account and will start generating revenue for you, of course provided your blog visitors click on it.

You can download these instruction in pdf or microsoftwords format which includes photos for more clear instructions.

Click here for instructions in microsoftwords file.

Click here for instructions in pdf file format.

That’s all and thanks you for using AdsenseBlogTemplate.


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